Security Roundup - 2016-02-05

Security breach causes woes for TalkTalk, as 95K subscribers tied to last year’s attack have cancelled their service.

Robin Hood hacking continues, as part of the Dridex network has apparently been hacked to serve up anti-malware. On the flip-side, Malwarebytes has announced a vulnerability in their Anti-malware server such that an attacker could insert arbitrary code on client machines.

More network security hardware news as arbitrary upload and path traversal problems have been discovered in Netgear’s Prosafe system. has opened up their Malware Museum, a collection of output of malware from the 80s and 90s.

Schmoocon recently wrapped up, and presentation videos are now available.

The Magento e-commerce platform has become a major target for hackers. Common attacks attempt to harvest credit card numbers, as Magento checkout isn’t PCI compliant by default.

Written on February 5, 2016